Category: 6502

Progress on the 6502 computer – Milling PCB’s

While work and other commitments have been sapping a large amount of my time I have been making slow progress with the milling of circuit boards for the 6502 computer project. I have added some pictures of progress below. I am slowly getting the hang of repeatable and reliable results on the mill. Most trouble stems from the height at...

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First milled PCB

After much tweaking, fiddling and procrastinating I have finally been able to successfully mill a PCB! The only minor issue I had was with the drill file created by the PCB-GCode script which would not load correctly into LinuxCNC. Luckily this is a step that I can complete manually using my PCB drill. The results are excellent, the finish is...

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Milled PCB Test

A few pictures of a test run trying out isolation PCB routing. GCode was generated using the PCB-Gcode script for Eagle, using the backplane board from my 6502 project as input. Part way through the run I noticed that the mill was slightly out of alignment on the X-axis, this was causing shallow track cuts which got progressively worse the further...


Etching boards – Round 1

My first attempts at etching these boards didn’t go so well. Using the toner transfer method has worked very well for me in the past, but it looks like my current printer doesn’t work as well as the one I used previously. Below are a few pictures of the backplane boards I tried etching, the first photo based off a...

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6502 computer project

While I was reading the Steve Jobs biography I was given for Christmas in 2011 I was feeling strangely nostalgic about the good ol’ days. This was strange mainly due to the fact I wasn’t yet born when the Steve’s (Wozniak and Jobs) were designing and building the Apple I & II… Some time after that I read on Hack-a-Day...

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